

random pics

janie and rj polar plunge 07 (age 13)


sunset at polar plunge 09

at martinsville when tony drove #20

martinsville race

eagles (missing matthew...for now)

ronnie at bat little league (age 15)
ronnie catching little league (age 14)

kellie summer 07

johnathan and vicki prom 09

gene eagle summer 07

gene eagle summer 07


here are some pictures of janie...

janie pitching 06 (age 13)
janie leaving field 08 (age 15)

janie and dad polar plunge 09 (age 15)

janie on beach feb 09 (age 15)

janie at bat summer 09 (age 15)

janie (age 12)


here are some pictures of RJ...

RJ - summer 05 (age 12)

RJ playing tennis 05 (age 12)

RJ summer 09 (age 16)

RJ pitching for little league 09 (age 15)

RJ Polar Plunge 09 (age 15)

RJ at bat for little league 09 (age 15)


fotos by steff - START

I enjoy taking pictures and I figured why not do it for people locally for free, for now, ha! I’ve found some takers and I’m excited about it. They know I’m not a professional by any stretch of the imagination, but how else can I get started.

My first ‘photo’ shoot is 09 September, and I’m excited. Doing a set at the beach and then at a garden.

I hope this goes well and people like my pictures…I hope I like my pictures.

I’m going to post some random pictures later to just show ya’ll – nothing exciting though…

